

This Ashram was established in 2044 Jestha  18 B.S(May 1988) with an effort and will of chair person of this Ashram Mrs Sita Pokherel to give protection to those children who were abandoned from their guardians, with the help of fistful rice donation from different classes of society in a small rented house as a non-governmental Institution.

2.Objective:To provide guardianship, safety & proper education and make them responsible, self dependent citizen and maintain a respected livelihood to those children who have lost their parents and are helpless and unsafe.

3.Directive principals:on the basis of the belief that each and every infant born has the right to enjoy his/her childhood safely and respectfully.

4.Management:on the Chair personship of founder president mrs Sita pokharel and members elected by General body and as per the Ashram’s rule nominated members constitute a working Committee which looks after Ashram and performs policy making works.

5.additional Activities

a.A home for older people:A home for older people is an additional activity of the ashram where homeless and familyless old people are served. A sizable building “Purnakantha Anand kuti” has been donated by Dr.Bijaya Laxmi shrestha of Kupondole, Lalitpur.

b.Cowshed:Ashram is self dependent on milk and milk product and also sells milk to outsiders to support to buy feed for cows.

c.Bio-gas plant (Gobar gas):Ashram has two bio-gas plants which cover about 90 per cent of fule needed in the kitchen.

d.garden/ vegetable Fields:Within the Ashram premises it has mango, Lichi, Coconut and other fruit trees which have supported for seasonal fruits.Sililarly, different seasonal vegetable are produced within the premises. To cultivate the lands pumping motor is used.

e.Computer learning:To make children aware of computer, computer learning class is conducted in the Ashram.

  1. Stitching (sewing) class: stitching class is also conducted to make girls able to fulfill their own needs.
  2. Helping poor people: people living in rural areas with very low income and those affected by natural calamity this Ashram distributes clothe as well as other materials help within affordable capacity.
  3. trust operation :Seema Karki and Ramesh karki have established angel Devi Trust and dipak Basnet memorial trust established by Ashram are operated by the Ashram.

1.Child health Service center: This is conceptualized to establish in near future.

  1. Physical Structure:
  2. There are following physical structures constructed by the financial co-opreation of Rotary clud=b of trillium and CIDA, Canada, dr.Bijaya Laxmi Shrestha kupondole, Lalitpur, Emigos Del Nepal, Spain:-

Main Building, Community Hall, Purna kantha anand kuti, Cowshed, Kitchen, guest house/Garage, Guard Room / Office, husk storage.

  1. b. Brothers yubaraj shrestha and rajan Shrestha with their other family members have constructed a Saraswati Temple within the premises.
  2. c. A Siddheswar Mahadev temple is constructed with cash donation from many kind hearted person from different places though it needs some finishing works yet.

7.Financial sources:Ashram is getting some sort of cash as well as in kind support from local persons, social services and other institutions, District Development Committee is also supporting on regular basis. Local Biratnagar Sub-Metropolitan City Office has constructed a pitch road approaching this Ashram gate. And is also expected to receive cash support in regular basis from their budget.

Ashram is also getting financial support from the membership fee and from foreign friend which is helpful to run the Ashram.

  1. Ashram Family: Children, Old-aged people, volunteers and working personnel and residential chiar person and her family make a total of nearly 100 members residing in Ashram.

9.Number of Children: who left Ashram for their own  Occupation, services and also as student within the country are 36 til now. Similarly, there are 29 [erson under the gusrdiansship of foreign parents.


Main sources of income of the Ashram are donation.Total annual revenue is almost  less than the total expenditure.Thes,the Ashram is always running on deficit budget. To recover all these problems we want to attract your king attention towards our objectives &directive principles &expect your participation in this good cause. The following ways are  to support this Ashram and we sincerely appeal to you to help in any ways:

=Health Service provider institution: -To check up the  health of the Ashram,s children &old-aged people and provide necessary medicines on regular basis.

=providing  educational materials &/or support their educational annual expenses.

=To accept guardianship of child/ren &/or oid –aged person/s

=Support with cash/ in kinds to the Ashram

=To take a membership as Distinguished member or patronage member.